Whose Business are you Building?

In a time when so many small businesses are struggling, Andrew asks us to reconsider where our focus lies. Are we only seeking to keep ourselves afloat?

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As a small business owner myself, I understand the struggles small businesses face in the day to day running; finding new customers, getting paid, paying suppliers, cashflow, tax returns… I could go on and on. In the midst of these distractions, it’s easy to focus on ourselves. Just trying to stay afloat in these current economic times can lead us to making decisions that are more about short term financial security than long term business growth.

But what if we took the focus off ourselves, and onto our customers? Knowing that they too are going through the same issues, can lead us to realise that just perhaps, we’d be better off putting our energy into helping clients grow their own businesses.

For us, we value long term client relationships. Our goal is to forge lasting partnerships based on mutual trust and understanding of each other’s business goals. The more we can aid customers in growing their business, the more they can put back into ours. It’s a two way street.

When we are focused on ourselves, we tend to lose sight of this. We start to respond more to those one off projects that can pay us more in the short term. We forget that the stability of our own company is dependent on repeat business and focus our attention on the highest bidder.

What can we be doing to better support our customers? What values do we need to reconsider to take our focus off ourselves and onto our clients? And what decisions do we need to make to ensure those long term relationships don’t suffer?

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Written by Andrew Rossborough

Andrew heads up creative direction at SOLID, managing projects and taking a hands on approach to client consultations and design decisions. Follow Andrew on twitter.

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